Blepharoplasty Before and After
Do you have problems with excess skin on your eyelids? Excess skin and laxity on the upper and lower eyelids can be either an aesthetic or functional concern. If this applies to you, a blepharoplasty procedure from Dr. Shahidi may be the right option for you. Take a look at our blepharoplasty before and after gallery.
Blepharoplasty (blef-a-roe-plasty) is commonly known as an eye lift or eyelid surgery. Its primary role is to help repair eyelids that have become lax over time.
As you get older, your eyelids start to stretch and lose their elasticity. For many patients, this can lead to an undue amount of excess skin around the eyes. This can lead to skin/fat accumulating above and below your eyelids. It may also lead to a lowering of the upper eyelids and eyebrows, as well as excess fat under the eyes.
What Blepharoplasty Can Do For You
In many cases, eyelid laxity is more than just an aesthetic concern. For some patients of Dr. Shahidi, the excess skin can begin to impede their ability to see. The skin could directly block your vision, particularly affecting your ability to see from the sides of your eyes.
Blepharoplasty can help to correct this issue. Dr. Shahidi and his team will work with your unique circumstances to develop an individualised plan.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Blepharoplasty can be an option for people who wish to remove excess tissue around the eyes and thereby address both visual and functional issues. This is especially true when the procedure is performed and handled by a qualified professional such as Dr. Shahidi.
Schedule a consultation at Dr. Shahidi’s office today to learn more about what this blepharoplasty procedure entails. His team will walk you through all the steps of the process – from your initial planning all the way to what to expect for recovery. You’ll also learn exactly what you can expect as far as the overall cost (which can vary based on individual patient needs).
To see if this procedure is right for you, contact Dr. Shahidi’s office today.