Tip Plasty

Nasal tip plasty is a surgical procedure during which a rhinoplasty surgeon changes the shape of the tip of the nose.

What You Should Know About Tip Plasty

The surgery typically focuses on reshaping and reducing the nasal tip’s size and ensuring it is in proportion to the rest of the face. There are different types of nose-tip plasty — open or closed-tip plasty. The one that’s right for you will depend on your specific needs. If you have cosmetic concerns such as a wide nose tip, bulbous nose tip, long or short nose tip, or an overall uneven nose tip, you may benefit from tip plasty procedures.

What Happens During Nose Tip Plasty?

The surgeon might use either open or closed approach to tip plasty. In the case of an open approach, they make a small incision under the nose tip between the nostrils. Open surgery is used when the patient is wanting to achieve more extensive nose sculpting.

Closed-tip plasty means that the surgeon makes incisions inside the nostril. This approach is often used in rhinoplasty procedures when minor adjustments to the nasal structure are required. Sometimes, non-surgical tip plasty is an option. During this procedure, the surgeon injects dermal fillers into certain areas to smooth out bumps, change nasal symmetry and reshape the nasal tip.

Surgical tip plasty is similar to that of standard rhinoplasty surgery. The primary difference is that the procedure is less extensive. Some patients only require reshaping the tip of the nose and no structural changes to the rest of their nose. To achieve this, the surgeon repositions and reshapes the cartilages in the nasal tip according to the specific deformities of the patient.

If the patient has a bulbous tip, it is usually due to the thick nasal skin and soft tissue in the tip of the nasal passages. The surgeon removes the excess soft tissue during the procedure to create a smaller nasal tip.

For patients with pointy nose tips, the surgeon takes cartilage from other areas to add volume. This cartilage might come from the septum or from other areas like the ears or ribs. If the nasal tip rotates upward or droops, the surgeon might need to rotate the nasal tip to achieve a more desirable angle. This, however, is considered rhinoplasty, not tip plasty.

If you are wanting to change the appearance of your nose look at our before and after photos to learn how we can help. Did you know that Dr Shahidi has an Android and iPhone app that lets you plan how you want your nose to look? If you book a consultation, Dr Shahidi will discuss the range of surgical options with you, however generally speaking, tip plasty is not a procedure Dr Shahidi performs on its own as he specialises in Structured Rhinoplasty, which is where the nose and tip are rebuilt using septal cartilage.

Why You Might Need Revision Tip Plasty

Surgeons often describe rhinoplasty as a combination of art and science. This is because a nose job is one of the most difficult procedures to do and requires an expert touch. There’s also the possibility that the patient won’t feel like they achieved the results they wanted. If you aren’t happy with your results from a previous procedure, Dr Shahidi may be able to perform revision tip plasty to achieve a better result.

The surgery differs for men in comparison to women. The skin over the tip of the nose is naturally thicker in men than in women. The angle of the tip and the size in proportion to the face also differ. Getting the best results requires a skilled surgeon who has performed these procedures multiple times.

What to Expect from Tip Plasty Recovery

Nasal tip plasty is typically much faster than traditional rhinoplasty for the entire nose. Depending on the patient, it might take between about an hour or so. You might experience minor pain and swelling. You might have a very small, scar if the surgeon uses an open procedure. If he takes cartilage from your ear for the surgery, you will have a tiny scar there too.

Could You Benefit from Nasal Tip Plasty?

If you aren’t happy with the tip of your nose, look at our before and after photos to learn how we can help. Did you know that Dr Shahidi has an Android and iPhone app that lets you plan how you want your nose to look? During your consultation, Dr Shahidi will discuss your options for tip plasty with you. He performs both types of tip plasty including cartilage surgery and alar reduction.

Book a Consultation with Dr Shahidi to learn more about rhinoplasty

Dr Shahidi is an Australian-trained and qualified Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon with specialist training in rhinoplasty procedures. He has received the highest qualification awarded to Australian Surgeons – FRACS, Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. If you’re interested in deciphering whether a rhinoplasty procedure is right for you, we encourage you to contact us to book a consultation today.

If you’re still in the very first stages of considering a rhinoplasty, you might like to check out our gallery of some of Dr Shahidi’s previous rhinoplasty results. Or, you can download our app to design your ideal nose, browse before-and-after photo galleries and learn more about rhinoplasty procedure techniques.